We have a strong commitment to the highest standards of health and safety with regards to employees, customers, contractors, as well as the environment where we live and work.

Petrolex has established company-wide safety management objectives and processes for continuous improvement of operational discipline and safety in office and field operations.

Petrolex is equally committed to ensuring environmentally sustainable and responsible operations in order to achieve the highest standards of excellence.Our sites are integrated with Quality Management and Occupational Health & Safety Management Systems.
Maintaining high environmental, health and safety standards is a fundamental practise to us and all our stakeholders.

Petrolex recognizes that good EHS practices have a positive effect on our employees, our business as a whole, our subcontractors, our customers, our neighborhood and the environment.

To achieve excellence in EHS practices, we ensure all employees and contractors working for us:

  • Protect the health, safety and well being of all those involved in our activities

  • Conduct business in a way that reduces environmental impact

  • Comply with the laws and regulations of the country

  • Are technically competent and have a good grasp of our EHS policy

  • Are proactive in their approach to EHS.