Adding value to lives...

 Across the spectrum of our operations, we are implementing regulations to help enhance the drive for sustainability in our business.
We continuously aim to add value to the community by empowering people to shape their own economic future.
We support a precautionary approach to environmental challenges, prioritise community and stakeholder engagement, undertake initiatives to promote social development, promote local content and enterprise and report our activities in line with best practices.
To this end, Petrolex has partnered with CSR-in-Action, Nigeria’s foremost one-stop-centre for the advancement of social ethics, social responsibility and corporate governance


Petrolex and its subsidiaries are responsible corporate citizens, committed to the needs and welfare of its host and business communities through unique initiatives tailored to maximally benefit the communities and sustain lasting relationships with them.

Corporate Governance

  • Restructuring the value chain to create shared values that resonate current visions, needs and realities
  • Developing appropriate policies for positive acculturation
  • Employing and training staff to enhance technical and management capacity.

Social Responsiveness

  • Grassroot Economic Empowerment

    • Training and economic empowerment schemes for qualified indigenes of host communities
    • Construction of enterprise development and capacity-building centres
    • Sponsorship of activities of relevant professional seminars and workshops
  • Community Investment (Education and Health)

    • Training and economic empowerment schemes for qualified indigenes of host communities
    • Construction of enterprise development and capacity-building centres
    • Sponsorship of activities of relevant professional seminars and workshops